Get the Facts
Justin Berry and a Massachusetts special interest PAC (censured by the GOP!) have seen our tremendous momentum and have taken a page out of Joe Biden's playbook to target our supporters with FAKE NEWS claiming Ellen “defunded the police.”
The group behind the webpage attacking Ellen Troxclair is a Massachusetts based PAC called ”Protect and Serve Texas PAC”. They are not just misleading voters in this race, but attacking conservatives across the state. The organization is managed entirely by Justin Berry’s campaign consultant, Craig Murphy and they have been censured by the Travis County Republican Party for “spreading deceitful misinformation” about Troxclair’s record on law enforcement.
They were previously condemned by another local GOP as a pay-for-play operation: “This is a direct attempt to mislead voters... The mailer was sent out by “Protect and Serve PAC” which is a shell PAC setup by Craig Murphy. All contributions to the PAC are from his clients or related parties and all expenses go to Craig Murphy’s companies.” Justin Berry has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to this PAC, and in return, they send out mail disparaging Ellen’s record with lies.
Here’s the truth
The law enforcement budget steadily and significantly increased during Ellen Troxclair’s time in office (2014-2018). In fact, the Austin police were the highest paid in the state at the end of her term, and it wasn’t until two years AFTER her term ended that the defund the police movement even started.
Ellen Troxclair served as the lone conservative on the Austin City Council and was a staunch supporter of law enforcement:
Increased the overall Austin police budget by 13%, adding $48 million to the law enforcement budget
Increased the number of sworn officers in the Austin Police Department (APD) by 4.5%
Ensured Austin Police Officers would receive $44 million in additional pay and benefits
Sponsored a resolution to create a donated sick-leave program for APD officers
Sponsored a resolution to include APD staffing recommendations to hire more officers
Justin Berry is knowingly and intentionally running a campaign based on lies that are intended to deceive you.
He served as the Vice President of the Austin police union while Troxclair was on the city council, and they worked together throughout their collective bargaining process to increase support and pay for our police. As further proof of this, Troxclair and Berry stood together on stage at a Save Austin Now press conference announcing a ballot initiative to ensure local law enforcement was properly funded. This past summer, they even went to the border together to deliver supplies to our state troopers stationed in Del Rio. While Berry claims to be upset about a vote from 2017, as recently as August of 2021, he publicly praised Troxclair as a “conservative leader.”
"Ellen Troxclair has repeatedly stood up for police officers on the Austin City Council when no one else would. In fact, she went to battle with the city bureaucracy in order to name a street in memory of my friend, Officer Don Carpenter, who was killed in the line of duty. Ellen not only helped to get a pay raise for our officers and increase the size of our force, but she truly cares about law enforcement. I am disgusted by the lies that have been spread about her because they could not be further from the truth. She has earned my friendship and support time and time again and I know she will continue to fight for law enforcement as a member of the Texas House.” - Officer Jim Brown, retired APD
Justin Berry is endorsed by the same liberal labor unions that support Joe Biden and Beto O’Rourke.
Justin Berry denies the existence of a border crisis and has publicly supported amnesty for illegal immigrants.
✓ Lower property taxes by passing landmark homestead exemption
✓ Fight against radical leftist efforts to use taxpayer dollars to fund Planned Parenthood and benefits for illegal immigrants
✓ Expose frivolous government spending and advocated for increased accountability for taxpayers
Secure the border
Ensure the integrity of our elections
Preserve the Second Amendment
Protect unborn life
Stop leftist indoctrination and critical race theory in our schools
“In this unprecedented time in our Country’s and State’s history, we need more public servants like Ellen Troxclair who have the proven tenacity to stand up for our conservative values in Austin. She understands that it is the role of our elected officials and government to make sure we lower taxes, have less government, cut spending, defend our borders, support a strong national defense, understand the 10th amendment and always stand with Israel.” - Congressman Roger Williams